An inventory of greenhouse gas emissions was made in Turkmenistan, local media reported on Tuesday.
The Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper said the results of the inventory made it possible to determine priority areas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the attraction of modern technology and investment.
"By supporting international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Turkmenistan moves towards the use of modern environmentally friendly and resource saving technologies in industry, mainly in the oil and gas, energy and transport sectors where there is a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions," the newspaper said.
Watan newspaper emphasised that Turkmenistan supported international efforts to reduce the human impact on the Earth's climatic system and reaffirmed commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.
To promote and implement the relevant objectives of the Kyoto Protocol, Turkmenistan in 2009 created the National Authority for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as an interdepartmental state commission. To date it submitted four projects for implementation.
Due to the state budget, work continues on a large scale reconstruction of the entire energy system. As a result, over the past 10 years the carbon intensity of manufactured products in Turkmenistan has been constantly decreasing. In future the country is counting on the potential use of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol for a more intense reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
"We consider it necessary to continue the Kyoto Protocol after its first10 years on the basis of mutually acceptable options for the mechanisms of this document," Watan said.
Turkmenistan supports the decisions of the summits in Copenhagen and Cancun on climate change and the 17th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Durban.