The most outstanding downside of every solar module manufactured in the world at this moment is its degradation. This standard is changing drastically as BISOL Supreme™ single-handedly became the first solar product to achieve 100% output power guarantee. Using specialised equipment, top-notch components, certified materials tested to destruction in their climate chamber, and unique manufacturing processes, BISOL provides a 0% effective degradation rate. The costs of degradation are now covered by the manufacturer, not their customer.
Even the customer service of BISOL Supreme™ is on a much more advanced level. Every BISOL Supreme™ module is equipped with the individualised QR-code or its personal ID. By scanning the code, the customer can check everything from I/V curves, flash data, EL images, incorporated material, personnel engaged in manufacturing processes, and personalised certificate of quality control. To thank their customers, who install BISOL Supreme™, they developed the BISOL Supreme™ Cashback – a system for the customers to register and receive a partly return of the investment.
The detail-oriented processes that BISOL Production performs really make a difference. For example, during lamination, which is significantly longer in BISOL, the EVA turns into gel. By the industry standard, 65% of gel content is efficient, but BISOL uses 85% or more, proven by track record of the in-house tailor-made BISOL Tracking System.
A solar power plant containing BISOL Supreme™ will work at its full power for at least 25 years, but even after that, you can leave worries of revamping far behind for at least 80 years. The trend-setting idea is on its way to change the market. Solar products will follow this high-quality standard that for now only one of the rare truly European manufacturers BISOL Group is able to achieve.