星期四, 6 3 月, 2025
Home PV News Asia The Economic Case for Renewable American Energy

The Economic Case for Renewable American Energy

The current energy policy of the United States is destroying American culture and our economy. Both are based on cheap fossil fuels yet the total costs of fossil fuels cannot be measured simply by dollars at the pump. Add in the costs of environmental cleanups, loss in property values, global wars for resources, loss of habitat, plants, animals and the negative impacts on human health. It is clear that fossil fuels are unsustainable. Reality is that these costs are born by the world's citizens, rarely by energy providers.

Peak oil is a reality; we will run out. Before that happens, though, the costs of extracting these resources will create much greater destructive impacts on our planet and ourselves than we have seen already.

Renewable energy scientist Dr. Mark Jacobsen of Stanford University has almost 100 published peer-reviewed scientific papers. His reputation and expertise is beyond question. He has a real world plan to convert the entire planet to 100 percent renewable energy with a mix of wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and hydrogen within 20 to 40 years. The plan uses existing technology, without nuclear, for the same or less cost than we will spend on fossil fuels. Even accounting for population increases, the model demonstrated renewables meeting demand for 365 straight days.

Why are we not promoting renewables for American companies with the same fervor as Germany and China when a very high percentage of Americans want renewable energy and the resulting clean environment? The fact is that the fossil fuel industry has enormous influence on our state and federal governments. We know that government, corporations and lobbyists are a revolving door with the same people rotating through each group. Clearly the massive amount of lobbying money and Exxon's record profits over the last 10 to 15 years are connected. Our very nation and its resources owned by foreign and national corporate interests begins to make third world America a legitimate future possibility.

As we hold onto the dying corpse that is the fossil fuel complex, we are losing the opportunities that renewable energy offers to provide good jobs and economic prosperity for Americans. Renewable energy creates 3 to 5 times the number of jobs per million energy units produced than the oil, coal, natural gas industries. These are longer lasting, higher-paying jobs than fossil fuel provides. Trillions of investment dollars are idly waiting to enter the market, but investors need a signal that renewables are here to stay. Google the Wikipedia excerpt for "wind power in Texas" to see the links to this data.

Natural gas is touted as the next big bonanza for America promising jobs and freedom from foreign oil. As stated above, the reality is that that renewables outperform gas in job creation. The price of natural gas is 6 to 8 times higher overseas and plans are in place to export massive amounts of natural gas to Asia starting in 2014. In January 2012 alone, 21 export permits were granted. When companies can get more for natural gas overseas, exportation will drive the domestic price of natural gas up to match the export price. No cheap gas or energy security there.

In addition, the first major insurance company has just announced it will not provide insurance against fracking accidents. Banks in northern Pennsylvania are already denying home equity and mortgage loans in areas where drilling for natural gas is conducted. Natural gas is not clean to extract and the consequences are getting even more expensive.

Whether you believe in climate change or not, the economic impacts of our reliance on fossil fuels are undeniable. The solution to the economic and climate consequences is simple. A fee and dividend proposal is circulating through Congress that will put a cost on fossil fuels and return the dividends directly to citizens. All we need is the political will to put the mutual benefit of the people and the planet above corporate profits. With that extra income, individual citizens can take charge of their energy sources by installing renewable energy systems in their homes, slowing the flow of their money to big oil and the politicians they finance.

Let's end the corporate welfare to the oil/natural gas/coal industries now and give our economy and citizens the boost needed for real jobs and prosperity. Our elected officials understand the economic reasons for renewable energy and will pass carbon fee legislation only when they hear loudly and clearly that the people support it. Big oil will not relinquish control easily so we the people must demand it. Do your own research and consider the consequences for our children and grandchildren if we fail to act. We have a responsibility to give them a livable world. The earth will survive in some form regardless of our choices but will we?


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