We deeply value our customers and there is nothing more important than providing an after sales-service of the highest quality. With that in mind we have launched our new support.goodwe.com platform for online technical service support. This new platform is the fastest, most optimal and convenient way of attending the support needs of our customers. On this system our customers get one single ticket that will be used for tracking progress, checking the outcome of the enquiry and evaluating the whole quality of the service. Based on historical data, GoodWe has also prepared a section with frequently searched technical information intended to help customers to solve general issues. You can also access this new tool from the GoodWe Website under the Section “Service & Support” at the Home Page.
GoodWe launches support.goodwe.com platform for online customer attention
In conformity with European GDPR data safety regulations, GoodWe has placed the home server in which this service platform is hosted in Europe. At present the English version of this platform is already fully operational and we are aiming to have their respective Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, French, Korean and Vietnamese versions up and running by the spring of 2020. We would like to remind our customers that our global network of technical support keeps working around the clock to provide you with a highly professional service. Alternatively our customers can still make use of our regional hotlines and email contact information to request GoodWe assistance.
Serving you in a better way is our priority!