星期日, 23 2 月, 2025


Assessing the soiling mitigation properties of anti-reflective coatings

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have sought to understand how the silica-based anti-reflection coatings used on solar panels might affect performance by exacerbating soiling problems. The researchers analyzed four...

Baywa’s plans for floating PV

“Everything went very quickly,” says Baywa re’s Benoît Roux, when discussing the German developer’s move into the floating solar market. Baywa entered the specialist field with the acquisition...

A 17.5%-efficient dark grey solar tile

U.K.-based Roof Tiles Technology Ltd has developed a solar tile featuring monocrystalline Perc solar cells which it says resembles a standard concrete roof tile and is...

Innovation promises cheaper solar cell glass manufacturing

Scientists from the government-run Center for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (Cens) Bengaluru have developed a low-cost method of fabricating the transparent conducting glass...

Pouch lamination technique for solar cell encapsulation

Researchers from the Madurai Kamaraj University in India have claimed pouch lamination – of the sort routinely used to strengthen documents by sealing them...

New method to measure cell voltages in operational PV modules

Scientists at Japan’s Teikyo University have proposed a new method to quantitatively estimate voltage cells in operational PV modules. The new model – which the...

JA Solar opens up on new 525 W+ module

Chinese solar module manufacturer JA Solar has hosted an online event to reveal technical details of the new 525 W+ panel which it says will enter production in...

New solar module backsheet based on polyamide

US backsheet manufacturer Tomark-Worthen LLC has used continuous co-extrusion processing to develop a new polyamide-based solar module backsheet. It says the product is cost-efficient and highly weather-resistant. The development...

Harvesting electricity from shadow

Scientists from the National University of Singapore has sought to investigate how electricity may be produced from shadow under indoor lighting conditions. They created a special...

Australian scientists claim breakthrough in perovskite stability

A group of scientists – led by UNSW and in collaboration with the University of Sydney – is claiming a world first in the...

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400W of free energy for 25 years – this company presents the first bifacial solar billboard

Next2Sun has unveiled the world’s first bifacial solar fence, a groundbreaking step in renewable energy that does more than just generate electricity—it also works...

OCI Holdings Partners with Arava Power for 260MW Solar Project in Texas

OCI Holdings, a prominent South Korean company in the solar energy sector, announced on Feb. 24 that its U.S. subsidiary, OCI Energy, has entered...

Northern Solar eyes growth amid rising clean energy demand

Announcing the earnings, Northern Solar achieved revenue of RM24.05 million for the third quarter (Q3) ended December 31, 2024 (FY24), driven primarily by its...

Cornish company takes on ‘controversial solar farm projects’

A Cornish company has said its taking on “controversial solar farm projects”. Vertical PV UK, based in Newquay, says its technology allows farmers to have...